Monday, October 27, 2008

Kendall's First Haircut and other stuff:

I'm finally getting around to posting here again. Blame it all on Facebook. Three weeks ago, Cara Bangs told me to check it out...and now I can't help but go straight to Facebook everytime I turn on my laptop. And now that I have my handy iphone and I hear that chime for new mail...I've just got to see if I have a new friend request or a new message posted on my wall. I won't be at all surprised if I go flying off the treadmill at the gym while trying to run, check Facebook, and listen to HSM3 soundtrack. If you don't have Facebook, you may not get what I'm talking about. But if you do...and you've been sucked in like I have, I'm sure you are nodding your head. Let's hope this current addiction will wear off soon!

Here are some photos of Kendall's first haircut. I took her to a little place called Ponytails and Buzzcuts last week. I was a little worried if the timing was right. She was in one of theose moods where she said "no" to about everything I suggested. She didn't want to put on her winter coat as we were about to leave so I came up with a little trick that has served me well the past few days. I simply mentioned that Mimi picked the coat out and did she want to wear the coat the Mimi liked, and she was all smiles and ready to put on the coat at that point. Once we got to the hair salon, she was able to pick out a Dora video and a car to sit in. She sat there nice and still (and very serious). Here are some photos. The first shows how the piggy tails were starting to get a little "scraggly" looking. The second phot was where she had just started to cut the sides and was working on the back (where she took off a good two inches at the longest point).

As you can see by the photos, Kendall was in no mood to cooperate with the scrapbooking mother in me that was hoping for some perfect "before and after" shots complete with radiant smiles and bright eyes. Oh no, we won't even look at the camera before, during or after. And to be honest...I wasn't crazy with the way her hair looked after it was cut. It was doing a funky little wave that I hadn't pictured when I asked for the little bob cut.

So, I tried again the next day and we now have our official "After" shot for the scrapbook. I think the haircut turned out cute and it looks much better now when it's in the piggies.

Here are some other cute photos I took. You will all be relieved to know that we found someone to love the "Horsey/Percy" after Cameron's Christmas Eve tragedy.

Well, I can't help thinking about my trip to California and how beautiful the weather was while I was there. Here in Omaha yesterday, we had one of those unbelievably windy days. Not the type to destroy a roof or damage property, but windy enough that the kids couldn't play outside because branches were falling out of trees and random construction junk was flying about. I finally broke out the turtleneck sweater today! I was hoping we might have an indian summer type night for Trick-or-Treat, but no luck. So, back to my comment about California, I wanted to post a few pics of my 2nd annual girls trip to Napa. I feel so lucky that I'm able to have the opportunity to spend 3 whole days with great friends talking and drinking and generally catching up with no interruptions...well, except from one mean lady in pleated pants that wondered why she had to pour (our wine tasting) for all the smart-asses! She couldn't have been referring to us.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Letter to God

I just had to share the following letter I found in Jackson's Religious Education (R.E.) folder that I found today. The boys usually keep their R.E. folder's in the back of my van, so I hadn't looked in them for awhile. Here's what it said:

Dear God,
I am always missing my family badly. I hope I can see them soon. I hope they will call me, email me, write to me. Do you like my singing? Bye.

Jackson Klotter

He wrote that letter two weeks ago, one day before we told him that we were flying back to Ohio for the weekend. One of the first things he said to Mimi when he got there was that " I wrote a letter to God that I wanted to see you, and now I'm here." With that answered request, I'm surprised he hasn't written another letter to God asking for a computer and some new Wii games. But he must now be sure that God really does like his singing because you should've heard him belting out the hymns at mass on Sunday!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Karate Kid

Finding an organized activity that doesn't bore Cameron has always been a challenge. Each and every time that we have signed him up for a sport or lesson, he has convinced us that he is excited to do it....that is, until the first practice. He always appears to be having a good time. But when I get Cameron into the car afterwards and ask him if he had fun, it's always the same response. " I think I made a mistake...that was boring." Then for the next eight weeks on the day of the practice he groans and complains that he has to go. Well, I think we've finally found something he enjoys...Tae Kwon Do. Don't get me wrong...we still get the occasional complaint, but in Cameron's world, we're on the right track here. Last night was his first practice in which he was able to wear his Dobak (uniform) so I had to bring my camera and get a few pictures. I was really proud of him last night. They were learning the roundhouse kick and Cameron was one of the few students who picked it up right away. By the way, I have to admit I've been enjoying learning some of the Tae Kwon Do moves myself.
After watching me try some kicks and blocks at home, Dave's now searching for a class to get me signed up:)

It's been a rough season for Jackson in soccer this season. Unfortunately, Jackson ended up on a team that should otherwise be known as the Bad News Bears. But unlike the movie, there is no chance this team is ever going to win. We didn't feel like Jackson was ready to make the commitment to play on a select team, so we placed him on the U9 recreational team in our town. Unfortunately, we've spent our Friday nights travelling around the city of Omaha letting every other town's select team whoop our boys without mercy! I feel so sorry for Jackson because he loves to play goalie (any excuse for him to wear additional sports gear and he's a happy boy) but his defenders just don't have the skills to keep the ball away from the goal. I must say though, that at his past few practices he is really starting to focus, get competitive, and score in scrimmages. He wants to play on a select team next spring....I think he'll be ready unless his future as a tennis star takes off!

Here's a couple of pictures I took of Kendall this morning. Her hair looks a little wild...I think it's finally time for a first haircut!

I'll post pictures soon of my Napa trip!