Friday, October 3, 2008

Karate Kid

Finding an organized activity that doesn't bore Cameron has always been a challenge. Each and every time that we have signed him up for a sport or lesson, he has convinced us that he is excited to do it....that is, until the first practice. He always appears to be having a good time. But when I get Cameron into the car afterwards and ask him if he had fun, it's always the same response. " I think I made a mistake...that was boring." Then for the next eight weeks on the day of the practice he groans and complains that he has to go. Well, I think we've finally found something he enjoys...Tae Kwon Do. Don't get me wrong...we still get the occasional complaint, but in Cameron's world, we're on the right track here. Last night was his first practice in which he was able to wear his Dobak (uniform) so I had to bring my camera and get a few pictures. I was really proud of him last night. They were learning the roundhouse kick and Cameron was one of the few students who picked it up right away. By the way, I have to admit I've been enjoying learning some of the Tae Kwon Do moves myself.
After watching me try some kicks and blocks at home, Dave's now searching for a class to get me signed up:)

It's been a rough season for Jackson in soccer this season. Unfortunately, Jackson ended up on a team that should otherwise be known as the Bad News Bears. But unlike the movie, there is no chance this team is ever going to win. We didn't feel like Jackson was ready to make the commitment to play on a select team, so we placed him on the U9 recreational team in our town. Unfortunately, we've spent our Friday nights travelling around the city of Omaha letting every other town's select team whoop our boys without mercy! I feel so sorry for Jackson because he loves to play goalie (any excuse for him to wear additional sports gear and he's a happy boy) but his defenders just don't have the skills to keep the ball away from the goal. I must say though, that at his past few practices he is really starting to focus, get competitive, and score in scrimmages. He wants to play on a select team next spring....I think he'll be ready unless his future as a tennis star takes off!

Here's a couple of pictures I took of Kendall this morning. Her hair looks a little wild...I think it's finally time for a first haircut!

I'll post pictures soon of my Napa trip!

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